Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Auto mobile accidents tips.

I am starting this post to inform you the public about what to do when involved in a crash. Most of us don't think about what we must do after the crash has occured. Much less what to do during or immediately after the crash. With this blogg I intend to give you tips from my prespective (the crash reconstructionst.) Some of you already know this but I will start with the very begining. Therer are few items that you should have in your vehicle;

1. Driver License

2. Insurance card

These tewo items make it so much easier for the investigator. Make sure you always keep the insurance card where you know its safe. This will help in locating it and the Officer will not issue a citation for no insurance. After the vehicle has rolled several times sometimes it is impossible to find. I reccomend a closed compartment in the vehicle.

I will try to keep my post short, but I will continue to update at least once a day until I cover what I think you should know. Feel free to ask questions and I will try to answer them as quickly as I can. I can go in depth as to how speeds are calculated or keep it simple you tell me what you want this blog to be.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Social Media Class I need Help?

We must create a blog for social media right? Well I was wondering what my peers would find most interesting. I have narrowed it down to a few blogs I might be able to create, but can't decide what would be more interesting so help me out.

1. A blog that keeps you up-to-date on the last legislative session and new laws that will affect you as a Texas Driver.

2. The need for a baseball fields and a park in Presidio, TX. ( I want to bring awareness to the surrounding communities and political leaders of the poor or no facilities local children have)

3. Crash reconstruction techniques the do's and dont's.

so vote and help me decide.